Data Modeling

Data models are core to our applications and architectures. With hof, you specify their types, shapes, and relations using CUE and will combine, checkpoint, and track history as your data models and applications evolve. They become the source of truth when generating or updating code across yor technology stack or service fleet.

hof datamodel features enable:

  • checkpoints, history tracking, structural diff calculations
  • auto generated database migrations
  • client/server version negotiation and request/response upgrades
  • data lenses and other transformations
  • More than CRUD generation from relations and history

Base Datamodel

The base data model is any CUE Value with #hof: datamodel: root: true set.

dm.cue (by hand)

package main

MyModels: {
	#hof: datamodel: root: true

	foo: "string"

dm.cue (by import)

package main

import ""

MyModels: dm.Datamodel & {
	foo: "string"

dm.cue (by attribute)

package main

MyModels: {

	foo: "string"

hof leaves those details to the user and module authors. We also provide some common schemas and extras you can use along with the main data model features hof provides.

Extending Datamodels

With hof datamodels powered by CUE, you will be able to:

  • enforce schemas and provide defaults
  • share them as modules across applications
  • merge or unify them like any CUE value
  • enrich them conditionally before code gen

The first three points are native to CUE, so you have all the same capabilities when using hof. Modules are currently only available if hof. CUE is working on their own dependency management and we are involved in that work as well. Learn more in the modules section.

When it comes to enriching, there are a few ways or places this happens. hof’s base datamodel doesn’t provide any structure, in part because there is not one to rule them all, but also because we want to let users define their own while still getting the checkpointing, history, and diff features.

Providing structure

More often than not, you will want to provide structure to the datamodel. hof/schema/dm/sql is one example of this. You define the structure by using the @history() on a collection within your datamodel. This is a tracking and pivot point. hof will manage history and diffs on a structural level, at each history point.


MyModels: {

	Models: {

		User: {
			Fields: {


	Views: {


hof will manage each CUE field in a value with @history(). In the above code, this would be

  • each model in Models, like User
  • each field in User.Fields
  • each view in Views

Enriching values

Generally, the input Datamodel to a Generator will use generic field types. When generating code, it can be helpful to enrich these values to calculate template output in CUE rather than the templates themselves. You can apply these by wrapping the datamodel or applying them in your generator inputs.

Places where this is helpful are:

  • mapping types, especially collections and relations, to the target language or technology.
  • adding various string casings or manipulations

An example of this is mapping hofs schema/dm/fields like uuid to a package in languages like Go or Python


package go

import ""

FieldEnricher: {
	field: dm.Field

	output: field
	output: GoType: [
			if field.Type == "uuid" {"uuid.UUID"},
			if field.Type == "datetime" {"time.Time"},
			if field.Type == "float" {"float64"},


package py

import ""

FieldEnricher: {
	field: dm.Field

	output: field
	output: PyType: [
			if field.Type == "uuid" {"uuid.UUID"},
			if field.Type == "date" {""},
			if field.Type == "time" {"datetime.time"},
			if field.Type == "datetime" {"datetime.datetime"},
			if field.Type == "string" {"str"},


package schema

import (

Datamodel: sql.Datamodel & {
	Models: {

		// apply to each "model" (CUE pattern constraint)
		[string]: {
			Fields: {

				// apply to each "field" (CUE pattern constraint)
				[string]: go.FieldEnricher
				[string]: py.FieldEnricher

				// These will add GoType and PyType to the "model" "field"

Future ideas

We plan to make data models usable in other hof sub-systems

  • more features around multiple datamodels. Multiple are supported today, we could provide mappings from an instance in one to the other.
  • hof/flow to enable similar transparent, inter-version transforms
  • hof/chat to provide generator specific schemas for LLMs to target (like Microsoft/Guidance)

Datamodel Commands

example command usage

$ hof dm list   (print known data models)
Config       object     -        ok      Config
MyDatamodel  datamodel  -        ok      datamodel-abc123

$ hof dm tree   (print the structure of the datamodels)

$ hof dm diff   (prints a tree based diff of the datamodel)

$ hof dm checkpoint -m "a message about this checkpoint"

$ hof dm log    (prints the log of changes from latest to oldest)

You can also use the -d & -e flags to subselect datamodels and nested values

Datamodels and Code Generation

Datamodels form the basis for input to code generation. Typically, a generator will require a dm.Datamodel and some other inputs specific to that generator. You can then use them in the templates like any other value.

Here is an example snippet that you would use with our supacode generator for full stack applications.

using the supacode generator

package main

import (

MyGen: gen.Generator & {
	Datamodel: MyModels
	App:       MyApp

MyModels: sql.Datamodel & {
	Models: {

MyApp: schema.App & {
	// sometimes a module author will place the datamodel here
	// or provide a custom datamodel specific to their generator