Ad-hoc File Gen

hof gen joins CUE with Go’s text/template system and diff3. This section focuses on the ad-hoc, one-liners you can write to generate any file from any data.

Learn about writing templates, with extra functions and helpers

Template writing docs

Check the tests for complete examples

Want to use and compose code gen modules and dependencies?

Create and use generator modules.

hof gen app.cue -G frontend -G backend -G migrations

See the first-example to learn how.

Command Help

$ hof help gen

hof unifies CUE with Go's text/template system and diff3
  create on-liners to generate any file from any 
  build reusable and modular generators
  edit and regenerate those files while keeping changes

# Render a template
  hof gen input.cue -T template.txt
  hof gen input.yaml schema.cue -T template.txt > output.txt

# Add partials to the template context
  hof gen input.cue -T template.txt -P partial.txt

# The template flag as code gen mappings
  hof gen input.cue -T ... -T ...

  # Generate multiple templates at once
  -T templateA.txt -T templateB.txt

  # Select a sub-input value by CUEpath
  -T templateA.txt:foo
  -T templateB.txt:sub.val

  # Choose a schema with @
  -T templateA.txt:foo@Foo
  -T templateB.txt:sub.val@schemas.val

  # Writing to file with = (semicolon)
  -T templateA.txt=a.txt
  -T templateB.txt:sub.val@schema=b.txt

  # Templated output path, braces need quotes
  -T templateA.txt:='{{ .name | lower }}.txt'

	# Data Files are created when no template
  -T :sub.val='{{ .name | lower }}.json'

  # Repeated templates are used when
  # 1. the output has a '[]' prefix
  # 2. the input is a list or array
  #   The template will be processed per entry
  #   This also requires using a templated outpath
  -T template.txt:items='[]out/{{ .filepath }}.txt'
  -T :items='[]out/{{ .filepath }}.yaml'

  # Output everything to a directory (out name is the same)
  -O out -T types.go -T handlers.go

  # Watch files and directories, doing full or Xcue-less reloads
  -W *.cue -X *.go -O out -T types.go -T handlers.go

# Turn any hof gen flags into a reusable generator module
  hof gen [entrypoints] flags... --as-module [name]
  hof gen [entrypoints] -G [name]

# Bootstrap a new generator module
  hof gen init

# List availabel generators
	hof gen list

# Learn about writing templates, with extra functions and helpers

# Check the tests for complete examples

# Compose code gen mappings into reusable modules with
  hof gen app.cue -G frontend -G backend -G migrations -T ...

  hof gen [files...] [flags]
  hof gen [command]

  gen, G

Available Commands:
  info        print details for about generators
  init        initialize a new generator
  list        print available generators

      --as-module string          <<name>> like value for the generator module made from the given flags
  -3, --diff3                     enable diff3 support for custom code
      --exec                      enable pre/post-exec support when generating code
  -G, --generator stringArray     generator tags to run, default is all, or none if -T is used
  -h, --help                      help for gen
      --keep-deleted              keep files that would be deleted after code generation
      --no-format                 disable formatting during code gen (ad-hoc only)
  -O, --outdir string             base directory to write all output u
  -P, --partial stringArray       file globs to partial templates to register with the templates
  -T, --template stringArray      template mapping to render, see help for format
  -w, --watch                     run in watch mode, regenerating when files change, implied by -W/X
  -X, --watch-fast stringArray    filepath globs to watch for changes and trigger fast regen
  -W, --watch-globs stringArray   filepath globs to watch for changes and trigger full regen

Global Flags:
  -E, --all-errors               print all available errors
  -i, --ignore-errors            turn off output and assume defaults at prompts
  -D, --include-data             auto include all data files found with cue files
  -V, --inject-env               inject all ENV VARs as default tag vars
  -I, --input stringArray        extra data to unify into the root value
  -p, --package string           the Cue package context to use during execution
  -l, --path stringArray         CUE expression for single path component when placing data files
  -q, --quiet                    turn off output and assume defaults at prompts
  -d, --schema stringArray       expression to select schema to apply to data files
      --stats                    print generator statistics
  -0, --stdin-empty              A flag that ensure stdin is zero and does not block
  -t, --tags stringArray         @tags() to be injected into CUE code
  -U, --user-files stringArray   file globs to embed into the root value (<cue-path>=<file-glob>), use % as slash to trim before
  -v, --verbosity int            set the verbosity of output
      --with-context             add extra context for data files, usable in the -l/path flag

Use "hof gen [command] --help" for more information about a command.