
This page provides an outline for developing and contributing to hof’s code base.


  • make hof will go install the cli
  • hof gen will regenerate code from the CUE in design/. You only have to run this if the design changes.
  • make formatters will build local images.


Most tests are Testscript base, a tool from the Go compiler for testing CLIs. It makes it easy to write and add new tests. The test runners live in test.cue and are run with hof flow. These act as top-level wrappers around the individual tests, and the same commands are run in CI for parity with local development.

  • hof flow @test/<area> will run the tests for <area>
  • hof flow --list @test/* will list available tests (areas)

You can find the paths from the test.cue file to find where and how each set of tests are run. Most tests are in the following directories:

  • test/...
  • lib/mod/testdata
  • lib/datamodel/test
  • flow/testdata
  • formatters/test

Core packages

  • cmd/hof/... - the command structure, mostly generated
  • lib/hof - metadata for values hof recognizes
  • lib/runtime - holds CUE, generators, datamodels, workflows from entrypoints
  • lib/gen - code generation engine
  • lib/template - template rendering and helpers
  • lib/create - creators implementation
  • lib/datamodel - datamodel engine
  • formatters/tools | lib/fmt - code and containers for code formatting
  • flow/... - the workflow engine
  • lib/mod | lib/repos - CUE dependency management