
This page provides an outline for developing and contributing to hof’s documentation site.


The documentation is under docs/ and the following assumes you are working from there.

Run make first once for development setup.

To run the website locally

  • with drafts: make dev
  • without drafts: make stg

Hugo’s config is also defined as CUE (config.cue), run make config.yaml to update.

GitHub Actions is used to build and deploy for next and this site.


If you’d like to write non-trivial documentation content, please open an issue or ask on Slack. We are happy to help you outline a page or section.


  • There are many short-codes available in layouts/shortcodes.
  • Each page should have the following fields set in the front matter:
title: "..."
linkTitle: "..."
brief: "..."
description: "..."
- kw1
- kw2

# pages are ordered by weight
weight: 1

(values are for demonstration)

Example code

Most example code is under the code/ directory and referenced in the Markdown.

Use the following shortcodes for adding examples to Markdown files.

{{<codePane file="code/..." title="..." lang="..." >}}

{{< codePane2
	file1="code/..." title1="..." lang1="..."
	file2="code/..." title2="..." lang2="..."

	file1="code/..." title1="..." lang1="..."
	file2="code/..." title2="..." lang2="..."
	faile3="code/..." title3="..." lang3="..."

{{<codeInner title="..." lang="...">}}

CUE files require an extra step to generate highlighted code.

  1. Omit the lang arg for the shortcode when using CUE
  2. make highlight to turn CUE into HTML for embedding. These will be next to the CUE file after generating.


We try to make our examples runnable and testable as much as possible. You can see the Makefiles along side the examples under code/

Run make verify to test example code and ensure there are no output differences.

Run make to check for broken links against localhost.