
Concurrency message passing based on Go / Erlang



// CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes)
// Named channels (mailboxes) and send/recv messages
// Similar to Go / Erlang concurrency
// Can be accessed from different flows/tasks
package csp

// Chan is a named mailbox
Chan: {

	// the name of the channel
	mailbox: string

	// how many messages can queue
	// defaults to a blocking send / recv
	buf: int | *0

// Send a message to a mailbox
Send: {

	// the name of the channel
	mailbox: string

	// an optional key
	key?: string

	// the message value
	val: _

// Recv is a coroutine which runs indefinitely
Recv: {

	// the name of the channel
	mailbox: string

	// the name of a second mailbox to quit on any message received
	quitMailbox?: string

	// the handler for a message, run as a flow per message
	handler: {
		// filled when a message is received
		msg: _

		// do whatever you like in here