
Generators are made of some CUE files and directories of templates. You can run hof gen init <name> to bootstrap a new generator module.

Bootstrapping Your Generator

Throughout the first example, you will be building a code generation module. The following commands will create a new directory, git repository, and hof generator for you to start with.

Create working directory

mkdir example && cd example
git init      // (optional)

Initialize a generator module

// the name is often the same as a github repo
hof gen init

Your working directory should now look like this:

Module layout

|               // default directories
├── creators/
├── examples/
├── gen/
├── partials/
├── schema/
├── statics/
├── templates/
└── cue.mod/    // CUE dependencies

You will often have other files depending on the languages or technologies you choose. A common example are the files for dependency management like package.json and go.mod. There are no restrictions or limits on what you can include.

The default directories:

  • schema is where your schemas for the other parts go
  • gen holds CUE files for specifying your generators
  • templates, partials, and statics are files for generators
  • creators are often in a subdirectory with their own templates
  • examples for using your generators, also helpful for testing