
Hof Schemas are CUE values and serve as the contract between you, the generator writer, and your users. Your schemas capture the essence of the problem or application. They provide the constraints for users developing with your generator and ensure input to your generator is valid.

A Schema in Hof

A Hof Schema is a CUE value.


package schema

// A schema is any value
Schema: {
	// with any fields you want

A Minimal REST Schema

Let’s start by sketching out the minimal definition for a server. We put this in the schema/ directory and thus CUE package.


package schema

HttpMethod: "OPTIONS" | "HEAD" | "GET" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "CONNECT" | "TRACE"

Server: {
	// schemas typically have a name field
	//   the user sets this for each instance
	Name: string

	// Some more common "optional" fields
	// we use defaults rather than CUE optional syntax
	Description: string | *""
	Help:        string | *""

	// the REST routes
	Routes: Routes

Routes and Handlers

Routes are a main focal point of REST servers. When we generate the code, we will need handlers for each. Here is the schema for a Route that will have a handler generated.


Routes: [...Route] | *[]
Route: {
	Name:   string
	Path:   string
	Method: HttpMethod

	// Route and Query params
	Params: [...string] | *[]
	Query:  [...string] | *[]

	// Fields which allow the user to write
	// handler bodies directly in CUE
	Body?:   string
	Imports: [...string] | *[]

	// Allows subroutes for routes
	Routes: [...Route]

Extra Features

These are features you may want to provide to your server users. While the user only has to set a boolean or flag, they can get advanced capabilities which are the consistent for every generated server.


Server: {
	// ...

	// list of file globs to be embedded into the server when built
	EmbedGlobs: [...string]

	// enable prometheus metrics
	Prometheus: bool

	// auth settings (optional)
	Auth?: {
		apikey: bool | *false
		basic:  bool | *false

Calculated Fields

These are fields and values you can infer from a user’s input that they do not need to set. They are often for making template writing easier by formatting or collecting values. You can also transform or enrich user input using CUE here as well as in generators. Later, we will use this technique to define the CRUD routes for a resource based on the user’s data model.


import "strings"

Server: {
	// ...

	// various casings of the resource Name
	serverName:  strings.ToCamel(Name)
	ServerName:  strings.ToTitle(Name)
	SERVER_NAME: strings.ToUpper(Name)

Language and Tool Fields

There are typically language or tools specifics which may need to be configured. Often, you will want to make some of these accessible to your users. You can even create generators which are multilingual or lets your user select their preferred technologies.


Server: {
	// ...

	// The project's git repo
	GitRepo: string

	// We need to know the module for Go
	//   we can default to another field
	GoModule: string | *GitRepo

Final Schema

This is our final schema after combining all the parts above.


package schema

import "strings"

HttpMethod: "OPTIONS" | "HEAD" | "GET" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "CONNECT" | "TRACE"

Server: {
	// Most schemas have a name field
	Name: string

	// Some more common "optional" fields
	// we use defaults rather than CUE optional syntax
	Description: string | *""
	Help:        string | *""

	// The project's git repo
	GitRepo: string | *""

	// language fields
	GoModule: string

	// The server routes
	Routes: Routes

	// list of file globs to be embedded into the server when built
	EmbedGlobs: [...string]

	// enable prometheus metrics
	Prometheus: bool

	// auth settings (optional)
	Auth?: {
		apikey: bool | *false
		basic:  bool | *false

	// various casings of the server Name
	serverName:  strings.ToCamel(Name)
	ServerName:  strings.ToTitle(Name)
	SERVER_NAME: strings.ToUpper(Name)

Routes: [...Route] | *[]
Route: {
	Name:   string
	Path:   string
	Method: HttpMethod

	// Route and Query params
	Params: [...string] | *[]
	Query:  [...string] | *[]

	// Fields which allow the user to write
	// handler bodies directly in CUE
	Body?:   string
	Imports: [...string] | *[]

	// Allows subroutes for routes
	Routes: [...Route]